Welcome to Brian Ganter’s course website. This page contains important information you will need for your successful completion of the course. Please read and review the links below during the first week of the term. This is not an ITunes “Terms of Agreement” that you can skip reading (as we all do 😉 ) and simply click a button to “agree” with. There is important information here that you need to review and understand as a student. After reading it, speak with your instructor if you have any questions or concerns.
- First, read the three links below under “FIRST READINGS.”
- When you have done this please complete the appropriate “STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET” at the bottom of this page. This is a chance for your instructor to get to know a bit more about you and your expectations of the course.
- Class Participation – Guidelines and Grading
- Student Use of the “Digital Classroom”
- Course Policy on Wikipedia as an Academic Source
- ENGL 100 Are you enrolled in Brian Ganter’s ENGL 100 course this term? Fill out a “Student Information Sheet” by clicking here. After this you are done!
- Are you enrolled in ENGL 300? Fill out your “Student Information Sheet” by clicking here. After this you are done!
- Are you enrolled in a literature course (ENGL 103, 104, 109, 207, 213, 217, 335?)? Fill out your “Student Information Sheet” by clicking here. After this you are done!
- If you are still looking for something to read, take a moment to read “Professors’ Pet Peeves.”
- You can find a teaching biography of your instructor at BrianGanter.net as well as information about my interests beyond the classroom.
- You many also want to follow me (@GanterCapCourse) on Twitter for interesting articles and academic topics related to the courses I am teaching. My personal Twitter account, which is not course-driven, is at @bganter. I also recommend the following Twitter accounts in the Capilano University Twitterverse:
- @CapilanoU (Capilano University main account)
- @CapStudentUnion
- @CapUIT (Cap U IT Services – our computing and online support team will often tweet if there are service interruptions that impact students)